So Many Emotions, So Little Time

Yesterday was unexpectedly emotional. When I made my blog public, I was hoping a few people would read it and maybe I would get a like or even a comment; I clearly underestimated the lure of a post about punching an old woman in the face.

I have been overwhelmed with the kind words of friends and the amount of time people spent clicking around and reading my words. It was much more than I expected and very cool.

What really touched me are the side conversations I have had with others that are also going through crappy breakups or climbing out of their own rut. It is nice to have people relate to what I am saying but it is also sad to hear about their pain. If I were a hugger, and let’s be clear I AM NOT, I would give them each a giant hug.

I was nervous about sharing so much but I am glad I did and plan to continue posting about my journey to Suck Less in 2014™ as well as embellished tales of my otherwise mundane adventures.

Author: InteractThis

I am a woman of many moods and each one has her own soundtrack.

2 thoughts on “So Many Emotions, So Little Time”

  1. Much love and support to you buddy 🙂 If you ever need me for anything, you know how to contact me. P.S. If you felt like you were hugged right now, it was just me trying to use the Force.

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